Breast reconstruction can help improve the quality of life for many women who have to undergo mastectomy
Are you considering breast reconstruction?
Alongside chemotherapy, radiotherapy and mastectomy, reconstructive breast surgery is an integral component of cancer treatment – opening up a path towards positive pyschological and physical rebuidling.
how the BRA Foundation can help
The main aim of the BRA Foundation is to support women who are considering reconstructive surgery by offering detailed yet easy to understand information about their options
Current UK figures show that approximately 47,693 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year (and rising). Due to a better understanding of cancer biology, the treatment of breast cancer has shifted progressively towards breast conserving therapy. Nevertheless, for approximately one third of all breast cancer patients, a mastectomy still becomes inevitable. In parallel, there is a marked increase in the number of women being diagnosed with a BRCA gene mutation, many of whom will decide to opt for risk reducing mastectomy as a way of managing their very significant risk of breast cancer.
The information contained within this site isn’t solely aimed at the women who face immediate treatment. For many, a decision to opt for breast reconstruction can arise much further down the line – sometimes years later – and these patients will still require relevant information about the process of delayed breast reconstruction. Breast reconstruction may not be right for everyone, so we have also explained the alternatives to surgery, recognising that some women will prefer to use a prosthesis or decide not to do anything at all.
Here at the BRA Foundation, more than anything, we want to provide objective and accurate information about all types of reconstruction, so women feel confident in making the right decision for themselves regardless of where they are in their breast cancer journey.
(source: Office for National Statistics, Cancer Statistics registrations: Registrations of cancer diagnosed in 2008, England. Series MB1 no.39. 2010, National Statistics: London